All Other Ground Is Sinking Sand

Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

(Psalm 20:7 NIV)

Ever done a “trust fall?” You know, that go-to icebreaker everyone does at a school orientation, first night of camp, training at a new job–wherever.

You stand straight, close your eyes, keep your arms still, and fall back, knowing (hopefully) that there’s someone behind to catch you.

It’s a moment of vulnerability. For those few seconds in the air, you’re not supposed to stop yourself from falling. Instead, you trust someone else to help you.

But when you feel like you must catch yourself, trust doesn’t come easily.

One of my favorite hymns, “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less,” includes a familiar refrain:

On Christ the Solid Rock I stand

All other ground is sinking sand

Throughout the song, hymn writer Edward Mote emphasizes the fact that the Lord is our Rock–our strong foundation that can never be shaken and will not move.

Essentially, He’s the person you want behind you during a trust fall.

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